World Translation (An International Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal) bearing ISSN: 2278-0408 first issue was published in 2012 in offline mode. This was enlisted in the UGC-Approved Journal- Art and Humanities bearing serial No. 529 and Journal No. 48773 in 2015 and continued till May 2018. The main objective of this journal is to promote research work and to contribute immensely to the field of academia. It has been providing a productive platform for research scholars, teachers and professors for decades. Now, this journal has been available offline & online in both modes since 2019.
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The views expressed in the journal “WORLD TRANSLATION” (Research for All). are not necessarily the view of editorial board or publisher. Neither any member of the editorial board nor publisher can in anyway be held responsible for the views and authenticity of the articles, reports or research finding. Although every care has been taken to avoid errors or omission’s this publication is being sold on the condition and understanding that information given in this journal is merely for reference and must not be taken as having authority of or binding in any way on the authors, editors, publishers and sellers who do to owe any responsibility for any damage or loss to any person, All disputes are subject to New Delhi jurisdiction only.

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